This was a promo with altercation that became an impromptu hardcore match.
And this is why I don't like checking out AEW.
It starts off with an interview segment, with Will Ospreay asking Kenny Omega to join forces with him against the faction of Jon Moxley, but most importantly, his beef with Don Callis and his family.
Of course, Kenny Omega said no.
But then, Callis appears on the ramp and the livid Omega went after him. Of course, it's an ambush, with Takeshita and Kyle Fletcher coming in for the blindside. Ospreay would then help Omega. Ospreay would manhandle Fletcher inside the ring but then Takeshita comes in for the save. And then, Omega breaks the two-on-one affair...
... and it should have ended at this point, with Omega's battle cry. However, in my version, Fletcher is out of the ring, with both heels meeting in the aisle and retreating to the back, with Ospreay clutching his head and looking on from ringside.

But no.
Instead, Fletcher smashed Omega with a superkick, the fight spilled on the outside, Brian Cage and Lance Archer joined the fight, and then they fought around the building.
I may not like most of Jim Cornette's WWE takes, but I sure as hell agree with his AEW outbursts.
The first problem here is that why wasn't Cage and Archer with Takeshita and Fletcher in the first place. This became a brawl, and it wouldn't have to be if they were there right from the start? Is Callis saving his enforcers because he's clairvoyant? Also, why the hell are the enforcers the last ones to get dispatched?
And where the hell is Tony Khan and his officers? I know pro wrestling is staged combat, but they also need to add a hint of realism in their procedures. The prolonged struggle, which was never a match to begin with, is disrupting their scheduled programming. This means, they will automatically spend money for the overrun. Again, I know that they staged this as such, but they also need to let the viewers that this feud is problematic for everyone involved.
Finally, it went too long.
You can see at 10:33 of this clip, after Omega and Ospreay suplexed Archer to the table, Cage was waiting for his cue. And then the heels go three-on-two, with both babyfaces getting choked.
And worse, Omega and Ospreay stood tall after twin aerial attacks from two high places.
And even way worse, after the twin attacks, the refreshed duo just called out Fletcher and Takeshita for a match for AEW Grand Slam.
Are they sure that Omega and Ospreay are big enough to get the positive reaction against Australia's hometown boy? Last time I checked, Jeff Horn got the hometown moment, even if he won via controversy against Manny Pacquiao. Why can't it be Cage and Archer, and save Fletcher and Takeshita for a match in some place where the crowd will cheer on Omega and Ospreay like in Canada or in Europe?
Moreover, why can't they just milk the story? They can use this story to captivate for the viewers for two months, and yet they just decided that they are going to go all-in in just around 15 minutes.
AEW said they have a lot of stories lined up. Let's say it's true. That said, this is an example of how they couldn't pace their stories. I have heard of overbooked matches, but overbooked promos?