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Updated: May 28, 2022

Once upon a time, I had a Blogspot.

Technically, I still do.

But I think the last new content was over a decade ago.

Now, I am trying to take blogging seriously again.

The reason? Blogging just became easy.

I have been using the Wix blogging platform for some time now. I had this thing where I wanted to create my own media empire. When I was a kid I invested time and effort to create paper players for my makeshift basketball league. But I also would give them various characteristics. I guess this is why even if I have the most knowledgeable of friends, I never really followed their idea of creating a niche website. I will always start with a solely sports site but I would always end up relaying my experiences, reviewing different contents, and just pushing what I can and what I can't put on my blog.

So my blog is my online men's magazine. Back when I was a yuppie, I had this extensive collection of men's magazines. Sure, I collect them for the images, but I also look at the articles.


I think every boss or colleague I have worked for knows that I am conversational when I write scripts. I think I don't know how to write corporate plugs and copies.


It's also easy to create cover photos nowadays. Sometimes I would go crazy on photoshop but nowadays, I've been doing the easier approach. If you want to write a review, all you need to do is go to Youtube and press the print screen button on your chosen subject and just CTRL+C the photo. Then, you can either leave it like that or go to Wix's photo editor.

If you want to review a video, you can always copy the link. If you want to monetize your blog, there are a bunch of buttons as well as easy-ass codes to help you. If you suck at English or you couldn't care less about your grammar, then you have Grammarly to make things less complicated.

And the cool thing about Wix is that you can design your blog. Inasmuch as Blogger easily gets me more views, Wix gives me the satisfaction to tinker with things.

While I wish they would create an app that would check out the blog's most viewed articles, nowadays I have been trying to understand SEO, keywords, and having the confidence to link my articles on social media. At the moment I have a lot of articles scheduled on my blog. This is basically a mix of old stories from my previous websites and new stories that do not require urgency.

Anyway, I keep a blog to make things sane. I am also trying to get some kind of money from it. The reason why I bounced from website to website is that once upon a time, I got stupid and clicked all of my ads. Google banned me from getting ads and when Nuffnang Philippines ended, my side projects got derailed, and no one is giving a shit about my content, I just drifted from platform to platform.

At the moment, I am just writing about things that could eventually stick. I got this awesome blog counter and it's nice that I have 700 visitors. My old PBA stories are still working and I'll probably try to review Running Man more. Maybe I can create a Top 100 of something and probably make another Top 50 about anything OPM.

I also want to make an online store for the Funko pops I bought that I don't like anymore or the NBA cards, Tomica, and Hot Wheels diecast cars that I need to dispatch... but work has been messing up on a lot of things lately.

I will still keep the personal part of my blog though. At the moment, everything about it is my failed attempts to do videos but hopefully, I get some cool posted in there before the pandemic ends.

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