This sucks.
Back in the late 90s and early 2000s, I used to wake up on the wee hours of Thursday or whatever just to catch a glimpse of WWE.
I am a huge Hardy Boyz fan.
I am a Matt Hardy fan... but I am a HUGE Jeff Hardy mark.
Now I am not a perv who checked out Lita’s pants when thongs are the “in” thing. With that said, why is she moonsault-ing with those tight cargo pants?
Anyway, his matches with The Undertaker and Triple H are awesome... because it feels as if he is the kid... who paid his dues as a tag team specialist alongside The Dudleys and Edge and Christian... and now he’s main eventing a pay-per-view or fighting a high-profile match.
Jeff Hardy is also the reason why a caught a glimpse of TNA. Sure, I had to watch TNA back in the day because that was once my account in ABC-5. I remember creating an image plugin in which my immediate superior did not understand that John Cena’s wrestling shtick is a rapper and this person chastised me for inserting hip-hop on wrestling.
With that said, the Victory Road debacle scared me, his multiple run-ins with law kind of pissed me off, and the departure of Matt Hardy from the WWE just made me doubt things.
One of the problems I saw is Jeff Hardy’s tendency to do shit. I know Rob Van Dam and Sabu are stoners but they are “fun” stoners. In fact, RVD is now a top supporter of cannabis as a wellness agent. He once had a promo with Riddle on Raw wherein Riddle was looking for investors and RVD already has a product (rolling paper). Anywho, Hardy has had a multitude of drunken driving incidents and brush-ins with the laws.
The kicker that got him kicked off is a house show 6-man tag. I am Filipino so up to now we don’t allow audiences on our games... and this kind of explains why our COVID count is going down while Americans have as of December 9... has 149,000 new cases. With that said, going to a “play” match... and “sluggish” in front of people is not ideal. I know most of the people in the six-man tag aren’t saints with The Usos and their problems, Xavier Woods and his past controversy, and Roman Reigns who once upon a time got the unwarranted main event treatment (yes, this is once a criminal offense)... but these guys are competent inside the ring and will take offense if they get hurt because of some dude who does not want to get help.
And this is the worst part of the story. It's one thing to understand the situation but it’s another to REALLY understand the situation. Of course, the WWE needs Jeff Hardy to undergo treatment. They are a publicly-traded company. They released a lot of people to lower their costs which puts them in a sweet spot with the investors. Breaking traffic laws is one thing but if you are breaking the trust of your peers, then that puts you in a tough spot.
I hope Hardy gets back to wellness haven. Maybe he can do well with a lighter schedule and with people that would take care of him. I can’t say AEW right now because signing Hardy is a risk. With that said, it’s going to be awesome to see the Hardy swan song against The Young Bucks.